Custody Services
We can take responsibility for the safekeeping of your assets. Let our skilled professionals deal with the details—while you or your investment advisor retain executive control.

Services for Custody Clients
Safekeeping your assets is only one of the responsibilities of Bank of Texas custodial services. You or your designated advisor retain control over investment management. We also provide key record keeping and administrative services pertaining to your portfolio, including:
Private Banking Benefits
As a custodial services client, you’re also a Private Bank client, affording you all the advantages of our personalized banking services. There are no transaction fees or securities settlement costs. And, your private banker will provide access to exclusive deposit and lending solutions.
Let's Talk
We look forward to helping you protect and manage your wealth. Give us a call and we will contact you.
Private Banking
Austin: 512-527-6824
Dallas: 214-346-3911
Fort Worth: 817-348-5775
Houston: 713-357-2256
North Dallas: 214-346-3955
San Antonio: 210-568-7690
Family Office Services
Fiduciary Services
Austin: 512-527-6826
Dallas: 214-525-7696
Fort Worth: 817-302-4952
Houston: 713-357-2257
North Dallas: 214-346-3973
San Antonio: 210-568-7687
Mineral Management
Austin: 512-527-6824
Dallas: 972-892-9959
Fort Worth: 817-348-5773
Houston: 713-260-5637
North Dallas: 972-378-7304
San Antonio: 210-568-7687
Real Estate Services
Financial Planning
Austin: 512-527-6826
Dallas: 972-892-9959
Fort Worth: 817-348-5773
Houston: 713-260-5637
North Dallas: 972-378-7304
San Antonio: 210-568-7687